The gist is that Lunch Lady and Betty are the school lunch helpers who also happen to be superheroes that can save the day! Their services are needed when a field trip to an art museum reveals that crimes are being committed and "the breakfast bunch", Hecotor, Terrance, and Dee get into trouble. Some of my favorite parts were the gadgets Lunch Lady uses to fight crime: a spork, truth brownie, ziti microscope, gelatin cup glob, and anti-gravity sensible shoes!
None of my students have been reading this series so I am excited to share it with them! For this book, the notes in my notebook were just title, author, list of characters, and I kept a list of the superhero gadgets Lunch Lady used because I found them so funny. I am looking forward to reading other books in this series to recommend to students!
I am so glad that you created this site! I've enjoyed reading about the different books and look forward to seeing the books that you highlight here! I haven't read this Lunch Lady book, but it sounds as though it's definitely one that I should add to my library. Thank you for sharing!